Jekyll + Gogs +

or how to over engineer a blog ;-) read more

SoCraTes day Zürich

Personal takeaways from a intresting day. read more

Linux Photography

The lack of Lightroom on Linux for efficient working with photos. read more

Struggling with repository pattern

The repository pattern sounds nice, but is this true? read more

Blogging with jekyll

Why did I switch from wordpress to jekyll? read more

Unmaintained software is dangerous

Is open source more dangerous than closed source or is it a general issue? read more

Raspberrypi 3 + grove + node red = cool stuff!

Controlling the coolingsystem of my serverroom with a raspberry pi read more

Blog restart

Starting again with a new target… read more

I'm Philipp Häfelfinger

It was 1998 when my journey to become a professional software engineer started. I am highly interested in many aspects of the information technologies. From development to devops and sysops. I like to understand systems as a whole and not just a part of it.

I am a passionate photographer as well.

Feel free to contact me at "blog<at>" or via twitter @haefelfinger

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